Decisions come in many forms and sizes. When we start considering alternatives, choosing hypotheses to test, and actions to take, this is when our thinking starts to have impact on ourselves and others.
It is at decision points where good thinking becomes essential and it has the most beneficial impact on outcomes. It follows that we should focus on better outcomes by concentrating on how to deploy good thinking at the key points in the decision process.
We can use the DECIDE decision process to help to focus on thoese key points.
There is more detail on the DECIDE decision process
Choosing which decisons to invest our energy in is vital. This choice is best made based on triage. T
he triage categories for problems are:- 0. Unsolvable:
Problems which are unsolvable, regardless of the importance of the outcome
- I. Urgent:
Time critical problems where investing in finding a solution will have positive outcomes.
- II. Important:
Problems which can be delayed, but solving them is worthwhile.
- III. Irrelevant:
Problems where the impacts are not significant, whether they are solved or ignored.
It is best to ignore the "0. Unsovable" and the "III. Irrelevant" problems.
Then invest in order of priority. "I.
Urgent "and then "II.